December 2023
December 31st - Aurora Chase Dinner - My chase night no. 1,970
- Guests / Country: 9 guests from Italy, China and UK.
- Weather Tromsø: Clear.
- Destination / weather: Dåfjord / Kvalsundet / clear / haze.
- Aurora activity: 5/10.
- Aurora show: Several ribbons across the sky, curls and spikes. Little dancing in two colors.
- Tour km: 140.
- Tour hrs: 7.
- Wildlife: One reindeer.
The last Aurora Chase Dinner for individual bookings ... so, if you like to taste my cooking, you`ve to book a Private Aurora Chase Dinner, or the 5 days Private Arctic Excursions which include Senja.
My first plan was to drive to a beach at Malangen, south of the city, so we could enjoy the mountain fireworks too from the same spot for the dinner and Auroras, but they haven`t remove the snow from the perfect parking spot, and there was also freezing cold wind from the south, so the stay there shouldn`t be so pleasent ...
So, I headed 70 km north instead where we had only 6 minus and no wind, and that was just perfect, since most of the actvitiy was low on the north sky over the ocean.
When Lady Aurora had did her work two times and the dinner was served, we headed further south on Ringvassøya island for enjoy the Cable Car mountain fireworks, and maybe see more of the Northern Lights ...
December 30th - GG partners` Aurora Chase

- Guests / Country: 16 guests from Brasil, Singapore, China and Hong Kong.
- Weather Tromsø: Clear.
- Destination / weather: Grøtfjord / clear.
- Aurora activity: 1/10.
- Aurora show: Just an ark low on the north sky.
- Tour km: 85.
- Tour hrs: 6.
We headed for Grøtfjorden, and with clear skies it was perfect. When we arrived Grøtfjord, we went down to the beach to set up camp where we made a fire and enjoyed hot drinks and something to eat.
After a short hour we began to see some light in the north. It got stronger over time, but never completely went away. After a couple of hours the northern lights calmed down and the activity decreased, in addition there were more buses with people on the beach, so I decided to change my destination.
We then drove north towards north to Kvalsundet to give Lady Aurora one last try, but still little activity and track.
December 29th - GG partners` Aurora Chase

- Guests / Country: 16 guests from China and Germany.
- Weather Tromsø: Clear.
- Destination / weather: Skarsfjordfjellet mountain / clear.
- Aurora activity: 5/10.
- Aurora show: Several ribbons across the sky, curls, spikes and little dancing in two colors, visible for the naked eyes.
- Tour km: 80.
- Tour hrs: 7.
After four silent nights for Lady Aurora, finally she was back again !
We started from Tromsø without the highest hopes as the last few nights had been very bad, and the Northern Lights warning showed no signs of life when we started either.
We drove to Skarsfjordfjellet mountain 40 km north of the city, and the guests had barely got out of the minibus, and put on their suits before we saw the first dim light!
We had continuous weak northern lights for the first two hours, but in the last hour it started to get stronger with a bit of dancing. After three hours of aurora borealis, photos, bonfires and a bit of nibbles, the guests were ready for departure.
When we got to Finnvika, there was a huge show above the sky, so we had to make another little stop!
Several of the guests had been on other northern lights trips, including by boat, and hadn't seen anything, this was their last chance, and then it was extra fun that we got lots of northern lights!
December 28th

- Guests / Country: 15 guests from China, Norway, Netherland, Austria, UK and USA.
- Weather Tromsø: Part clear.
- Destination / weather: Malangen south / clear.
- Aurora activity: 0/10.
- Aurora show: No activity!
- Tour km: 195.
- Tour hrs: 6,5.
- Wildlife: One reindeer and two moose.
And night no. 4 in a row; Less than faint Aurora tonight ... nothing ...
But, when we met two moose along the road on our way back to the city at 11.30 pm, then my colleague got an 5 mins Aurora "show", and after I had dropped off my last guests at 00.45, then it even came little bit more ...
Yeah yeah, it`s part of the game ... don`t leave too early ... but, after four nights with close to nothing at all, I was quite tired of this quiet action from Lady Aurora ... let`s hope she soon are back again for some New Years entertaiment ;)
December 28th - GG partners` Aurora Chase

- Guests / Country: 16 guests from Mexico, Hong Kong, China and USA.
- Weather Tromsø: Part clear.
- Destination / weather: Tromvika / Kvalsundet / part clear / clear.
- Aurora activity: 1/10.
- Aurora show: A faint stripe in 5 mins.
- Tour km: 145.
- Tour hrs: 7.
We started from Tromsø and drove towards Grøtfjorden, where we made a small stop at the viewpoint with a wonderful view of the beach and ocean, and to kill some time as there was no aurora activity.
After about 20 minutes we drove on to Rekvika, where we made a fire down on the beach and feasted on hot juice and lefser.
After a couple of hours with no northern lights and no reported activity either, we drove back to Kvaløysletta where the guests had access to a toilet and something to eat.
Then we drove to Kvalsundet to give Lady Aurora one last try. There we got a small and weak strip, which saved the trip for many of the guests.
After the little Northern Lights moment, we returned to Tromsø.
December 27th

- Guests / Country: 15 guests from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Australia, Norway, China and USA.
- Weather Tromsø: Cloudy / rain.
- Destination / weather: Dividalen / clear / part clear.
- Aurora activity: 1/10.
- Aurora show: Just a faint stripe low on the north sky in a few minutes ...
- Tour km: 295.
- Tour hrs: 7,5.
- Space show: One bright falling fireball.
Faint Aurora night no. 3 ... forcasted a nice show this night, but it got canceled ... Why ? I am not sure ...
It`s pity after this quiet Christmas time for Lady Aurora, after she really shows what she`s good for in September, October, November and begin of December ...
Lovely cold temperatures on 15 degrees minus, and most of guests was not using my offer of warm suits and thermo boots for keep warm outdoor, so they was sitting inside the bus, and missed the little Aurora we got this night ...
I am sorry, but I am not an indoor entertainer, but tells you the stories and all cold facts secrets around the camp fire ...
December 26th

- Guests / Country: 15 guests from Taiwan, Australia, Russia, Norway and China.
- Weather Tromsø: Cloudy.
- Destination / weather: Laksvatn / Signaldalen / part clear / clear.
- Aurora activity: 1/10.
- Aurora show: A couple of faint ribbons and some curls low on the north sky.
- Tour km: 220.
- Tour hrs: 7,5.
Faint Aurora night no. 2 ... but, such a lovely night outdoor moment and landscape by our Toblerone mountain
December 25th

- Guests / Country: 15 guests from China, India, Norway and Hong Kong.
- Weather Tromsø: Cloudy.
- Destination / weather: Kattfjordeidet / Sommarøy / part clear / haze / cloudy.
- Aurora activity: 2/10.
- Aurora show: A faint ark across the sky.
- Tour km: 120.
- Tour hrs: 6,5.
Faint Aurora night no. 1 ... but, such a lovely clear sky landscapes out on the island of Kvaløya and at Sommarøy islands ...
Lady Aurora has been too lazy these Christmas nights ... let`s hope she can show what she is good for the next nights ...
December 22nd
- Guests / Country: 11 guests from Guatemala, Germany, Norway and UK.
- Weather Tromsø: Clear.
- Destination / weather: Grøtfjord / clear.
- Aurora activity: 3/10.
- Aurora show: A couple of stripes across the sky, spikes and curls.
- Tour km: 85.
- Tour hrs: 5,5.
I did it short and easy tonight and went 40 km straight west of the city ... on the island of Kvaløya ...
But, it was very strange ... Grøtfjord is the most popular location for Chase the Northern Lights with the surrounded dramatic landscape with fjords, mountains and ocean view, and it`s normally very crowdy ... but, tonight we was alone here with the magic silence just for my guests and me ...
Later in the evening it was coming one more bus, and 10-15 rental cars with tourists, but then the best show was over, so we returned back to the city ...
December 21st
- Guests / Country: 15 guests from Norway, Malaysia, Australia, Guatemala, Hong Kong and China.
- Weather Tromsø: High clouds / haze.
- Destination / weather: Kvalsundet / Dåfjord / Skogsfjord / clear / haze / cloudy.
- Aurora activity: 0/10.
- Aurora show: Just a couple of faint stripes visible with the camera. Little visible with the naked eyes, but not good enough for 1 point.
- Tour km: 200.
- Tour hrs: 7.
It was the darkest day / night of the year ... now we can look forward to brighter days every day, until the sun are back over the horizon in a one month time ...
The Lady was lazy and quiet tonight, so 0/10 in my Aurora Blog ... the little you can see on the pics was only a camera catch ... I could see it, but not my guests ...
December 20th
- Guests / Country: 11 guests from Singapore, Australia, China and Russia.
- Weather Tromsø: Cloudy.
- Destination / weather: Galggogobba / Finnish border / Lullefjell mountain / clear.
- Aurora activity: 7/10.
- Aurora show: Several ribbons across the sky, spikes, curls and intense dancing curtains in three colors, visible for the naked eyes.
- Tour km: 310.
- Tour hrs: 9.
The Lady was shy tonight with only a few faint stripes across the sky ... so, I was planned to set only 1/10.
So, after a freezing cold stay outdoor close to the border I choose to drive via the traditional visit to the Finnish border for take pics of the Finnish EU-sign, I begin on the return to the city with my frozen guests ...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Still don`t understand why my guests choose to freeze and sit inside the bus, instead of borrow my warm thermal suits and winter boots (it`s free and included) ... and enjoy the lovely winter landscapes and wilderness ...
So, after a lot of thinking re; this case the last weeks, I have figured out two options;
1. Invest in a new city office ... it`s too expensive ... and buy in a new fancy collection of clothes and boots, and instruct my guests why they have to use the clothes we offer for joining my chases.
It`s simple: You`ll get an better Aurora outdoor experience, when you`re not freezing. WHY FREEZE WHEN YOU CAN STAY WARM ? Please listen to your guides advise to keep your body warm out in the cold environment. I have 40 years experience to work with people out in the cold.
2. Quit the boots & suits on my chases and remove it from my minibus ... just keep some, just in case ... it`s a question of safety! And recommend my guests to rent all they need for theirs Tromsø stay at my colleagues rental shop, Tromsø Outdoor.
I will probably go for option 2 from January 2024!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
But, as I always tell my guests; "The chase is not over before you`re back at your hotel, or AirBnb" ... so, we came only 30 km on our return drive, when The Lady was danced above the bus ... so, I had to make a new stop, but all parking spaces was occupied, so I did something I normally don`t like to do ... I stopped at a spot where 4 minibuses already was, and behind me; Greenlander parked ;)
We missed the first show, but it was Northern Lights all over the sky, so I decided to stay until we got the good one; and out from nothing she really showed us all what she`s good for; Intense dancing curtains in three colors, visible for your naked eyes.
Returned to the city, which we arrived at 3 am.
December 18th - GG Partners` Aurora Chase

- Guests / Country: 11 guests from China, Australia, UK and USA.
- Weather Tromsø: Cloudy.
- Destination / weather: Skibotn valley / clear.
- Aurora activity: 7/10.
- Aurora show: Several ribbons across the sky, curls, spikes and dancing curtains in two colors.
- Tour km: 280.
- Tour hrs: 7.
We headed south towards Nordkjosbotn, but when we got half way to Laksvatn we saw a small hint of northern lights and clear skies, so we drove off the main road and found a nice location. We stood for about 30 minutes, but there were too many clouds to see it well and get good pictures. It looked clearer to the north, so we drove further in, but it just got more and more cloudy.
So, we continued to Nordkjostbotn where we took a small food and toilet break. After that we headed for Skibotn, but there were cars everywhere so we drove a bit up into the valley and found a place there. When we arrived we saw a small aurora streak, but it didn't take long before it had become much larger, moving across the sky.
We made a fire, ate some lefser and drank hot juice, while taking pictures of the northern lights. After about 2 hours, the northern lights were gone and it was completely cloudy. Then we headed back to Tromsø. Was back at 01:00.
December 16th

- Guests / Country: 11 guests from Germany, Taiwan, Brasil and Mexico.
- Weather Tromsø: Cloudy / rain.
- Destination / weather: Finnish border / Kilpisjärvi / clear / cloudy / part clear.
- Aurora activity: 9/10.
- Aurora show: All over and far south. Deep red color on camera. Curtains, spikes and curls. Intense dancing in three colors visible for the naked eyes.
- Tour km: 335.
- Tour hrs: 8.
My first drive into Finland since September 24th !
Ergo: None of my Aurora Chases went into Finland in October and November ;)
So, for you who wondering why we`re not driving to Finland on your chase, is just because the best clear sky was on the coast of Tromsø, further south or into the country side in Northern Norway ...
By the way; the sky is "small" ... so the Aurora we see around Tromsø and in Northern Finland is the same ...
Last season my chases went into Finland 70% ... so, every winter are totally different.
December 14th - Private Arctic Excursions (The Magic island of Senja)

- Guests / Country: 4 guests from Singapore.
- Destination / weather: Bergsbotn / clear.
- Aurora activity: 6/10.
- Aurora show: All over and far south, spikes, curls and curtains. Little dancing in two colors.
- Tour km: 40.
- Tour hrs: 2.
December 13th - Private Arctic Excursions (The Magic island of Senja)

- Guests / Country: 4 guests from Singapore.
- Destination / weather: Skjåholmen / cloudy / holes in clouds.
- Aurora activity: 4/10 (evening) - 7/10 (morning).
- Aurora show: Several ribbons across the sky between the clouds, also towards south. Little dancing and a small corona partly visible.
- Tour km: 0.
- Tour hrs: 2.
December 12th - Private Arctic Excursions (Lyngen Alps)

- Guests / Country: 4 guests from Singapore.
- Destination / weather: Nord-Lenangen / clear.
- Aurora activity: 7/10.
- Aurora show: Several ribbons across the sky, curls and spikes. Two colors eye visbile dancing curtains. And a small beginning of a corona. And even a better show seen from the jacuzzi ;)
- Tour km: 14 (!).
- Tour hrs: 1+1,5.
We had just came back from the whale watching and while we was relaxing in the lounge by eating waffles, the activity begins super early at 3.20 pm ... so, we went outside the sea houses and shot some lovely Aurora pics on blue afternoon sky.
After dinner at 9.30 pm we went 7 km north to the north tip of the Lyngen Alps for see if something more happened, but it was quiet, only a couple of curtains to the north and a faint ark far south ... will it explode later ?
Out in the darkness we could see a couple of lovely shooting stars and fireballs ... the beginning of the Geminid Meteor show which will last tonight and tomorrow night ... so, more to see when we arrive the Magic island of Senja ;)
December 12th - GG Partners` Aurora Chase
- Guests / Country: 11 guests from China, Italy and Australia.
- Weather Tromsø: Clear.
- Destination / weather: Hundbergan / clear.
- Aurora activity: 6/10.
- Aurora show: Several ribbons across, curls, spikes and curtains. Little dancing.
- Tour km: 30 (!).
- Tour hrs: 4.
I had intended to just go to Ramfjord Camping, just east of Tromsø, but when we got to Hundbergan the show started, so we stopped there in a hurry, and everyone jumped out of the car to take photos, as there were a lot of northern lights on the sky, and the guests seemed super pleased.
After one hour of photography, we made a fire where we served lefser, gingerbread and hot juice. We had many nice conversations around the fire while they alternated between warming up and taking pictures.
At 21:30 everyone was very satisfied and wanted to return to Tromsø. We drove the old road via Berg to see if there were northern lights along the fjord, but nothing to trace as the activity was gone for the moment.
We were back in town quite early, but sometimes it's good for the guide to have an early night too.
December 11th - Private Arctic Excursions (Lyngen Alps)

- Guests / Country: 4 guests from Singapore.
- Destination / weather: Nord-Lenangen / clear / some passing clouds.
- Aurora activity: 4/10.
- Aurora show: Several ribbons low on the north sky, spikes and curls. Little moving and two colors on camera.
- Tour km: 0.
- Tour hrs: 2.
December 10th - GG Partners` Aurora Chase
- Guests / Country: 12 guests from Germany, Austria, Brasil, India and China.
- Weather Tromsø: Cloudy.
- Destination / weather: Dividalen valley / part clear / cloudy.
- Aurora activity: 0/10.
- Aurora show: No activity!
- Tour km: 260.
- Tour hrs: 8.
We headed south, and when we arrived at Nordkjosbotn 70 km away, we stopped and took a short break, before we drove on towards Dividalen, close to the Swedish border.
On our way we saw a faint Aurora between the clouds, so we got a little hope that we might see the Northern Lights despite the bad weather forecast and little activity.
When we arrived in Dividalen it was partly clear, but no Aurora, so we set up a small camp with a fire and ate lefser and drank hot juice.
After an hour more clouds began to come, so we moved further into the valley, where we stood and waited until midnight, but without seeing the northern lights. It was also cloudy at the top of the valley, so we drove home. Back in town 02:00
December 9th - GG Partners` Aurora Chase
- Guests / Country: 15 guests from Sweden, Germany, India, China and Singapore.
- Weather Tromsø: Cloudy.
- Destination / weather: Lakselvbukt / clear.
- Aurora activity: 3/10.
- Aurora show: Just a faint ark low on the north sky all evening.
- Tour km: 150.
- Tour hrs: 4,5.
The original plan was to drive towards Signaldalen, but when we got to Laksvatn the northern lights danced across the sky, so we then drove towards Lakselvbukt where we found a place to set up camp.
When we arrived we took a lot of pictures, and when the northern lights started to fade I made a fire and served lefs, gingerbread and hot juice.
It didn't take more than 20 minutes before the northern lights were back in exactly the same direction of the sky. We took a few more photos and after a couple of hours all the guests had got into the car and wanted to go back.
December 8th - Private Aurora Chase

- Guests / Country: 3 guests from India.
- Weather Tromsø: Part clear.
- Destination / weather: Naustbukta / Tamokdalen valley / part clear / haze / cloudy.
- Aurora activity: 4/10.
- Aurora show: Several ribbons all over, curls and spikes.
- Tour km: 190.
- Tour hrs: 5,5.
It`s pity ... first I had a delay from my home ... then we came little late out from the city ... it`s pity since tonight`s best show was happens while we was driving out towards the darkness ...
After getting info from my colleagues, then the first good location to view Aurora; "It was too crowdy", and I just loathe it ... so, I continue to the next fjord, 30 km further south ...
When we arrived we got the end of the show ... and then the clouds arrived, so we continue further south east where we got little more and relax out in the snow around the camp fire, but ... I should make a first stop 15 km out from the city ...
Sorry ...
December 8th - GG Partners` Aurora Chase
- Guests / Country: 5 guests from India and USA.
- Weather Tromsø: Cloudy.
- Destination / weather: Breivikeidet / Oteren / part clear.
- Aurora activity: 7/10.
- Aurora show: All over and little towards south, curtains, spikes and curls. A couple of colors dancing.
- Tour km: 260.
- Tour hrs: 6.
When we arrived at Breivikeidet 50 km east of Tromsø, we first saw a strip across the sky, but it didn't take long before there were two... And then there were just more and more northern lights.
We stood for about 30 minutes before the northern lights disappeared, but when we were about to jump on the bus and drive towards Vollan, there was another show that lasted for about 10 minutes before it became completely cloudy.
We then drove to Oteren, east of the Lyng Alps, where we got a strip of aurora which suddenly turned into a belt that danced above us. We got to see all of this while we stood around the fire and feasted on lefser and hot juice.
We drove back after 35 minutes and were back in Tromsø at 00:00
December 7th

- Guests / Country: 10 guests from India, Singapore, Spain, Germany and USA.
- Weather Tromsø: Part clear.
- Destination / weather: Naustbukta / Moskavuotna / clear.
- Aurora activity: 8/10.
- Aurora show: All over and far south, spikes, curls, and 3 colors dancing curtains. And a faint corona.
- Tour km: 120.
- Tour hrs: 6.
December 6th - GG Partners` Aurora Chase
- Guests / Country: 6 guests from Turkey, China and UK.
- Weather Tromsø: Cloudy.
- Destination / weather: Breivikeidet / clear.
- Aurora activity: 7/10.
- Aurora show: All over, dancing curtains in three colors, spikes and curls.
- Tour km: 155.
- Tour hrs: 3,5 (!).
I met the guests outside the Magic Ice bar at 17.45, and by then we already saw a lot of northern lights over the city, but with better conditions out in the dark, we headed east towards Breivikeidet, 50 km east.
The whole sky was full of northern lights when we arrived, so me and the guests jumped straight into photography.
After about 30 minutes I made a fire where I served lefser and hot juice, and while we stood enjoying ourselves around the fire another good show came on, which was considerably bigger than the first one we saw. Then there was a new round of photography.
After 2 hours of continuous northern lights, the guests were satisfied and all six wanted to return to Tromsø.
I don't say no to an early night, and they returned to their hotels at 9.30pm.
December 5th

- Guests / Country: 14 guests from Germany, Spain, Taiwan, Hong Kong and China.
- Weather Tromsø: Cloudy.
- Destination / weather: GuideGunnar´s Camp Aurora / part clear / clear.
- Aurora activity: 8/10.
- Aurora show: All over and far south, curtains, spikes and curls. A small corona and intense dancing in three colors, eye visible.
- Tour km: 85.
- Tour hrs: 6.
- Wildlife: Two reindeers in middle of the road.
It was only one way to drive tonight, so all buses headed towards the north part of the Ringvassøya island ...
I was thinking about to drive to the end of the road 75 km north, but when I stopped at my home, 40 km north, there was already Aurora visible faint through high thin clouds, but from the south it was coming in more clear sky, so I decided to stay there, since it should became very crowdy further north with about 100 Aurora buses out from the city.
It became clearer and clearer and it was Northern Lights all over the whole evening, and at the end just before I was planning to return at 11 pm, the best show arrived with lovely 3 colors dancing curtains, so we stayed little longer ...
December 4th

- Guests / Country: 14 guests from Portugal, Belgium, Germany, Thailand, China and USA.
- Weather Tromsø: Cloudy.
- Destination / weather: Grøtfjord / part clear / clear.
- Aurora activity: 5/10.
- Aurora show: All over and little towards south, curtains, spikes and curls. Two colors on camera.
- Tour km: 75.
- Tour hrs: 6.
- Space show: A lovely fireball all over the sky which break up in two.
The sky wasn`t perfect ... as usual ... and when we arrived this lovely location 40 km west of the city, we only had a clear hole in the clouds and no Aurora ... so, I set camp fire in the cold night, and teached my guests about patience; waiting for Lady Aurora.
After a while she begin what she`s good for, and we had good Aurora all over ... also towards the south sky, but this one remain in silence ...
December 3rd - GG Partners` Aurora Chase
- Guests / Country: 9 guests from Germany, Malaysia, Singapore and China.
- Weather Tromsø: Cloudy.
- Destination / weather: E6 Strupen / Granberg, Heggelia / part clear.
- Aurora activity: 5/10.
- Aurora show: Couple of ribbons across the sky.
- Tour km: 340.
- Tour hrs: 8,5.
Our first stop was in Nordkjosbotn 70 km south, where the guests used the toilets and bought some snacks for the trip.
We found out that we were driving south towards Setermoen, but after only 15 minutes of driving, GuideGunnar called and told us about incoming clouds further south, so we turned around and drove 5 minutes back when we suddenly saw a strong aurora above us.
We drove into a dark place where the guests could take pictures of the Northern Lights. After 20 minutes it started to be cloudy so we headed for Storsteinnes, but when we got there it was also overcast there.
Then we went back to plan A and drove towards Setermoen, but 20 km before arrival we saw stars again and drove off to Granberg; we stopped and lit a fire to enjoy ourselves with hot juice and some lefser.
It didn't take more than 30 minutes then it was cloudy there too. Then we drove to Setermoen, but there it was also overcast, so we returned to Tromsø again, hoping to find the Northern Lights on the return trip.
When we got to Ramfjorden we saw some stars to the east, so we drove to Eiscat for a trip to have a look, but there were mostly clouds and no aurora so we drove back to Tromsø arriving at 02.30, without and seeing more aurora on the return journey.
December 3rd

- Guests / Country: 14 guests from Romania, India, Austria, Germany and Brasil.
- Weather Tromsø: Cloudy.
- Destination / weather: Storsteinnes / Tune / Karlstadskogen / Balsfjord / part clear.
- Aurora activity: 4/10.
- Aurora show: Couple of ribbons across the sky.
- Tour km: 360.
- Tour hrs: 9.
- Wildlife: One fox.
And again ... the weather forecast was wrong ... it`s says clouds from the north around 11 pm, so we headed fast towards south, but when we left the city the clouds was already over us ...
After a toilet break in Nordkjosbotn we had to cancel our drive further south since I heard from a colleague it was overcast 50 km south too, so we turned towards west and the coastal area again, but we only came one third part of the drive when I saw Aurora on the sky, and had to make a quickly stop on a not so perfect location ...
Then the clouds capture us again, so we continue our drive further south and found lovely clear sky, but the The lady had take a break ... then clouds again ... and I understood the clouds will win tonight, so I stopped 170 km south of the city, where we got the last glimpse of Aurora ... set fire and served some "lefse" and hot drink ...
On the return we got little more clear sky in Balsfjord, where there was a glowing of Aurora on the south sky around 2 am.
So, we missed tonight`s best show at 9 pm, midnight and 1.45 am ... it`s pity, since it was probably begin of something bigger which are on the way to the magnetic fields ...
December 1st - GG Partners` Aurora Chase
- Guests / Country: 9 guests from Singapore, India and USA.
- Weather Tromsø: Cloudy.
- Destination / weather: Signaldalen / Kitdalen / Skibotndalen valleys / clear / cloudy / part clear.
- Aurora activity: 7/10.
- Aurora show: All over, curtains, spikes and curls, but not the brightest Aurora.
- Tour km: 275.
- Tour hrs: 6,5.
We started from Tromsø at 18:00 and drove south, and when we got to Nordkjosbotn we made a short stop so the guests could use the toilet and get something to eat and drink.
After that we drove towards Signaldalen, but when we got there it was cloudy. In the neighboring valley, Kitdalen, there were stars, so we drove a bit inland, but it didn't take more than 5 minutes before there were clouds there too.
Then I decided to try the landfill in Skibotndalen. It was completely clear there and we set up camp there. We made a fire, ate lefser and drank hot juice.
There were also 3 children with us, so we looked for animal tracks in the snow while we waited for our first glimpse of the northern lights.
But after 2 hours there was still nothing and the guests were starting to get a little bored, so we jumped on the bus and went for a short ride while we waited for the activity. When we got to Skibotn there was a sudden bang! and there were northern lights coming from all sides, with stripes and dancing northern lights in several colors.
We stopped and took pictures for about 1.5 hours before we started the return trip to Tromsø, arriving at 00:30.