October 2023
October 1st

- Guests / Country:
- My chase: 15 guests from Brasil, China, India and USA.
- The Guides: 8 guests from Brasil and Hong Kong.
- Weather Tromsø: Cloudy.
- Destination / weather: Skibotn / part clear.
- Aurora activity: 5/10.
- Aurora show: Several ribbons across, curtains, spikes and curls. Little dancing.
- Tour km: 240.
- Tour hrs: 7.
October 2nd

- Guests / Country: 15 guests from Taiwan, China and Singapore.
- Weather Tromsø: Cloudy / rain.
- Destination / weather: Fjellfrøsvatnet lake / Holt / Dividalen valley / too cloudy / gaps in the clouds.
- Aurora activity: 0/10.
- Aurora show: Too cloudy!
- Tour km: 305.
- Tour hrs: 8.
I had a plan to head far south, but I changed my mind and followed the another guides which went into the lakes and valley area SE of the city ...
We had a couple of good clear gaps, but then it was no activity ... then too cloudy and a long wait ... for nothing ... 15 mins after we left the area it cleared up little and the guides who was left they got it ... shame on me ...
October 3rd

- Guests / Country:
- My chase: 12 guests from Malaysia and China.
- The Guides: 13 guests from China, Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore.
- Weather Tromsø: Part clear / incoming clouds from NW and SW.
- Destination / weather: Skibotn / Tamokdalen valley / Rostavatnet lake / cloudy / rain / some stars visible.
- Aurora activity: 1/10.
- Aurora show: A couple of faint ribbons through a thin cloudy layer ....
- Tour km: 315.
- Tour hrs: 7,5.
It looks okey when we left the city, and thought we you should be ahead of the clouds when we arrived Skibotn, but not ... the clouds arrived fast before us ... then we did a backtrack and found some openings ... but, then I left the area and drove too far wrong way ... too pity ... my mistake ...
After a great begin of October I got two bad ones ... but, from the bottom it can only climb up again ;)
October 4th - GG Partners` Aurora Chase
- Guests / Country: 15 guests from China and South Korea.
- Weather Tromsø: Cloudy / rain.
- Destination / weather: The finnish border / Mukkajärvi, Finland / part clear / clear.
- Aurora activity: 7/10.
- Aurora show: Several ribbons across the sky, curls, spikes and curtains. Little colorful dancing.
- Tour km: 440.
- Tour hrs: 8.
October 6th - GG Partners` Aurora Chase
- Guests / Country: 6 guests from China and Brasil.
- Weather Tromsø: Cloudy / rain.
- Destination / weather: Skibotn / Keninovuopio, Finland / part clear / clear.
- Aurora activity: 6/10.
- Aurora show: Several ribbons across, spikes, curls and curtains.
- Tour km: 370.
- Tour hrs: 6,5.
October 8th - Aurora Chase Dinner

- Guests / Country: 9 guests from Norway, Singapore, Brasil and USA.
- Weather Tromsø: Part clear.
- Destination / weather: Skibotndalen valley / clear.
- Aurora activity: 5/10.
- Aurora show: Several ribbons across, curls, spikes and curtains. Two colors on camera.
- Tour km: 250.
- Tour hrs: 7,5.
- Space show: A huge and all across sky fireball.
October 9th
- Aurora for myself. 6/10 ?
- Relaxed moment on my own beach at Bjørnskar, Ringvassøya island, 40 km north of Tromsø.
October 10th
- Guests / Country: 11 guests from Germany, Tanzania, Laos, Spain, India, Singapore, Australia and China.
- Weather Tromsø: Clear.
- Destination / weather: Dåfjord / clear.
- Aurora activity: 4/10.
- Aurora show: It all happens low on the north sky ... curtains, spikes and curls. Two colors om camera.
- Tour km: 140.
- Tour hrs: 6.
- Wildlife: 20 reindeers.
- Space show: A huge and all across sky fireball.
With incoming clouds from the south it was only one thing to do; head as far north we could reach, so we headed to the NW part of the island where I am living, Ringvassøya island ... but, the clouds never arrived ...
October 12th

- Guests / Country: 12 guests from Germany, Tanzania, Switzerland, India and Australia.
- Weather Tromsø: Cloudy.
- Destination / weather: Signaldalen valley / part clear / clear.
- Aurora activity: 5/10.
- Aurora show: A couple of ribbons across, curtains, spikes and curls. Two colors on camera.
- Tour km: 210.
- Tour hrs: 6,5.
- Wildlife: One fox.
First I was planned a short chase on the coast since the weather forecast looks beautiful around Tromsø ... but, what we have experienced too much the first month this season is a weather forecast who change totally close to every night ...
So, for the Arctic you can check and follow the weather forecast, but you can`t trust it, so it`s smart to be mobile with a guide who knows the local microclimates weather conditions.
I heard from a colleague that Finland looks good so we headed that way, but at the half way the sky was good so we drove up in the valley where we have our own "Toblerone Mountain".
When the first Aurora "show" begin the clouds arrived ... very typical ... but, when the best show begins the sky got totally clear ... just perfect.
So, what`s the facit; Be patience, and don`t rush away if the sky get overcast ... just wait little and see ... and yes, strange enough, the clouds are moving ;)
October 13th

- Aurora for myself & my girlfriend. 7/10.
- Relaxed moment on my own beach at Bjørnskar, Ringvassøya island, 40 km north of Tromsø.
October 16th

- Guests / Country: 11 guests from Switzerland, Germany, India, Hungary and USA.
- Weather Tromsø: Part clear.
- Destination / weather: Sommarøy / part clear / clear.
- Aurora activity: 2/10.
- Aurora show: Just a ribbon low on the sky in the north. Two colors on camera.
- Tour km: 120.
- Tour hrs: 6,5.
- Space show: A couple of good fireballs and many stars.
Finally clear sky on the coast, so we went towards Sommarøy district, for the first time this season.
All the best places was already occupied with another guides since we was little too late out from the city, but then I found me an new location ... first time there after over 1900 chase nights ...
The Lady was shy tonight, but it was a lovely Milky Way and several good shooting stars and fireballs ;)
October 17th
- Guests / Country: 12 guests from Switzerland, Hong Kong, China, Hungary and USA.
- Weather Tromsø: Clear.
- Destination / weather: Grøtfjord / Signaldalen valley / part clear / clear.
- Aurora activity: 4/10.
- Aurora show: Several ribbons across the north sky, curtains, spikes and curls. Little moving.
- Tour km: 295.
- Tour hrs: 8,5.
- Space show: Several nice and bright shooting stars.
I thought it should be a short chase tonight too, but cause incoming clouds on the coast and no activity, I decided to do a longer drive into the country side where the sky was perfectly clear 90 km east of the city.
October 18th

- Guests / Country: 4 guests from China and USA.
- Weather Tromsø: Clear.
- Destination / weather: Ramfjord / Breivikeiddalen valley / Tromsø island north / clear / part clear / clear.
- Aurora activity: 7/10.
- Aurora show: All over and far south, curtains, spikes and curls. 2 colors dancing and a couple of coronas.
- Tour km: 100.
- Tour hrs: 6.
I was thinking about a short chase on the coast for my only four guests, but on my way into the city, it came into a really bad snowstorm, so I changed my mind and headed little into the country side ... after 25 km I found clear sky and already Aurora on the sky, so I stopped there ...
Was thinking about to drive to a little secret location, but when we went there it got overcast, so I headed back to the city where I heard from my colleagues the sky was still clear ...
But, when I arrived the city the sky was totally clear sky, so I went to a location where I have never been on a chase, only 7 km north of the city, on the north tip of Tromsø island with a lovely view to the north across the strait ... but, then the activity was on the SE sky ... later towards the north too ...
My guests was happy by midnight, so we went back to the city, only 10 mins away ;)
On my way home 40 km north, tonight`s best show started at 00.45 ... I got it on video! with my iPhone 14 Pro Max. Please see it in the FB album.
Please check all pics of this very local chase on GuideGunnar`s Facebook >>
October 20th
- Guests / Country: 5 guests from Taiwan and Germany.
- Weather Tromsø: Clear.
- Destination / weather: Skibotndalen valley / part clear / haze.
- Aurora activity: 8/10.
- Aurora show: All over and far south. Curtains, spikes and curls. Little dancing. Two colors on camera. Visible for the naked eyes; Bright green and little red.
- Tour km: 245.
- Tour hrs: 7,5.
I was thinking about Finland tonight, but minus degrees, snow and maybe ice on the roads + 20 ms in the gust changed my mind cause the security ... so, when it was partly clear and haze with stars visible all over down in the valley, then we stopped there.
It was already little Aurora on the sky with some glowing and faint spikes, and then the 21-show arrived as forecasted, and this was an okey one ... then we was waiting for the 23-show and this was even better with bright green and little red visible for the naked eyes.
With happy guests I returned to the guests ...
October 21st
- Guests / Country: 2 guests from UK.
- Weather Tromsø: Cloudy.
- Destination / weather: Øvre Bardu / Dividalen / cloudy / haze / clear.
- Aurora activity: 6/10.
- Aurora show: All over and far south, but faint. Curtains, spikes and curls. Little moving. And a faint corona. Three colors on camera.
- Tour km: 415.
- Tour hrs: 8,5.
Tonight I trusted the weather forecast little too much ... probably quite happy since they finally showed lovely clear sky 180 km south ... so we headed that way ... and then I totally forgot to double check the sky camera further east just in case ... little too late I discovered the sky was lovely clear east of the Lyngen Alps, at the opposite direction ...
When we arrived the "clear sky location" it was cloudy, but we got little Aurora in a clear hole towards north ...
After my driving break it was only one thing to do; Drive fast and directly to one of the location where one of my colleagues was, which meant we had to cross over a area with the worst road conditions in the district ...
When we arrived Dividalen valley after a 1,5 hours drive, the sky was lovely clear with Auroras all over, and since it was also a ribbons on the south sky, which could give us a better show later, then I stayed little longer than normal ... but, the south ribbons didn`t exploted before I was on my way home, at 3.15 am after when I had dropped off my guests ...
What we missed it`s an other story ... maybe a 7 or 8 of 10 show ?
But, most important; My two guests was happy ... and that`s means a lot for my work ;)
They was out for an special A-Z travel for the long birthday celebration ... N for Northern Lights.
October 22nd
- Aurora for myself. 9/10.
- 15 mins on my own beach at Bjørnskar, Ringvassøya island, 40 km north of Tromsø. It`s very typical that I get the best Aurora show when I am off from work, home and have no guests with me ... looking forward to show this view from my planned camp ...
October 23rd - GG Partners` Aurora Chase
- Guests / Country: 4 guests from Poland.
- Weather Tromsø: Clear.
- Destination / weather: Grøtfjord / Tromvik / Kvaløyvågen / clear.
- Aurora activity: 1/10.
- Aurora show: A couple of spikes only. Two colors on camera.
- Tour km: 190.
- Tour hrs: 6,5.
Today the weather was clear all over, so we went to a place out on the coast with a good view.
We first drove towards Grøtfjord to see how it looked, to enjoy the nice view from the top of the Grøtfjord mountain, and to get the camera settings ready in case there was any activity. All the apps said there won't be much aurora so we had to be very patient today.
After 30 minutes, other buses began to arrive, so we drove further south-west to Tromvika, where we lit a fire so that the group of guests had a warm and wonderful refreshment.
After 1.5 hours we drove back, and north towards Kvaløyvågen. There we found a small strip of the northern lights, not so sharp, but it was better than nothing.
The guests realized that it wasn't going to be easy tonight, but we found something and they were happy.
October 24th - Aurora Chase Dinner - My chase night no. 1930
- Guests / Country: 9 guests from Hong Kong, Germany and USA.
- Weather Tromsø: Clear.
- Destination / weather: Malangen south / Balsnes / Tisnes / clear.
- Aurora activity: 5/10.
- Aurora show: Several ribbons on the north sky, curtains, spikes and curls. Little moving.
- Tour km: 200.
- Tour hrs: 7,5.
- Space show: One great and bright shooting star / fireball.
- Wildlife: One fox.
I could do it short and easy tonight and drive just a few km out on the coast since the sky was totally clear.
But, since I hadn`t been to my last secret location this season, I decided to drive little further into the country side since it`s such a lovely location.
I didn`t beleive it should get any good night for Aurora, since the activity was very low, but she`s a tricky lady and sometimes she gives us an nice surprise ... which she did twice this night.
With happy guests I went back to the city, probably several hours after the guides who choose to do a short one.
October 25th - GG Partners` Aurora Chase
- Guests / Country: 3 guests from Germany.
- Weather Tromsø: Cloudy.
- Destination / weather: Breivikeidet / part clear / cloudy ...
- Aurora activity: 0/10.
- Aurora show: Too cloudy!
- Tour km: 180.
- Tour hrs: 6.
Tonight we planned to drive to Skibotn, but when we got to Ramfjord 25 km away from the city, a friend called me and said there were a lot of clouds there, so we continued to Breivikeidet, +25 km.
It was about 30% cloudy when we got there, so we waited a few hours to see if we could see some of the Northern Lights. After 3 hours it got totally overcast, so we continued towards Skibotn, but when we came the half way, I got a call from a colleague at Skibotn which told it was snowing there, so we headed a little back towards the city to try the luck .
We did a break at a new location where I served my guests hot drinks and lefse, while we were waiting to see if the clouds cleared up and that we hopefully got to see some activity. At 23:30 there were 100% cloudy, so we headed back to Tromsø
October 26th

- Guests / Country: 9 guests from Germany, Saudi Arabia and Singapore.
- Weather Tromsø: Cloudy.
- Destination / weather: Storfjord / Skibotndalen valley / part clear / holes in clouds / haze.
- Aurora activity: 4/10.
- Aurora show: Several ribbons across and intense dancing for a while.
- Tour km: 255.
- Tour hrs: 7.
- Wildlife: One white rabbit.
The big question I am sitting again with is; How good was the sky in Finland ?
I was planned to drive into Finnish Lapland, first time since September 24th, but we got clear sky at the half way by the Lyngen fjord ... so I stopped there, after one of my colleague asked; Why drive further when you`ve clear sky ?
We waited a while and shot lovely pics of the white snowy mountains of Lyngen Alps, lit up of the moon, and after 30 mins we got what we was waiting for ... a slim stripe of the Northern Lights on the SW sky, and later it was crossing all over, but it was faint.
So, when the clouds covered our view we continued the drive, but had to stop quickly since she suddenly begin to dance intensive, so I turned the minibus into a tiny forest road ... this is what a real chase is.
The Lady danced in two stripes across the sky in two colors ... before the clouds continued to cover out partly clear sky, so we headed further up in the valley and got little more ...
Then I decided to take a break ... lit up a camp fire and served my guests with hot drink of black currant juice and the local baked lefse, with Norwegian goat cheese.
I was thinking about to drive up and check the conditons at the border 35 km away, but then suddenly the sky got partly clear which is typical for Skibotndalen valley, so we did a backtrack and got little more, but then all was over ...
But, the question is; What we missed ? And how good was the sky in Finland ... if I had done what I normally do; driving always to the best clear sky with no stops along the route ...
October 27th

- Guests / Country: 9 guests from Germany, Italy and Hong Kong.
- Weather Tromsø: Clear.
- Destination / weather: Malangen / Kattfjordeidet / clear.
- Aurora activity: 4/10.
- Aurora show: Several ribbons across the sky, curtains, curls and spikes. Little moving.
- Tour km: 90.
- Tour hrs: 6.
- Space show: Several nice fireballs across the sky.
Finally a clear sky on the coast so I did it short ...
The Lady was shy too, but gave us a little nice show over the city, when we stayed on the mainland just south of the city. When we arrived the final stop she was very shy, and out Aurora forecast didn`t showed anything more, so we returned to the city before midnight ...
October 28th

- Full Moon Aurora ? Nothing more beautiful than that ... just ask my guests this lovely night ;)
- Guests / Country: 13 guests from Germany, Italy, France, Taiwan, Thailand and South Korea.
- Weather Tromsø: Clear / incoming clouds.
- Destination / weather: Ramfjord / Lakselvbukt / Balsfjord / clear.
- Aurora activity: 8/10.
- Aurora show: All over and far south, curtains, curls and spikes. Intense dancing in three colors, two colors visble for the naked eyes.
- Tour km: 160.
- Tour hrs: 6.
- Wildlife: One fox and a white rabbit.
I was first thinking about an 2nd night on the coast, but cause incoming clouds from SW I decided to head further east, but not too far.
First stop only 25 km from Tromsø since the Aurora forecast says it should a great one already 30 mins after departure, but it was just a faint once ...
Then we continued to a lovely location by the Lyngen Alps with lovely mountains ridges all around us, and with a full moon on the sky it gave us a lovely visible landscape.
Got a very good show there, so when she went quiet, I decided to do an early return, but little I choose a little longer way just in case if she should come back ... and The Lady did it again with great and lovely dancing in pink and green on the south sky ... but, pity we was on the drive with no places to stop ... when we finally found a safe parking, we got only the rest.
October 29th

- Guests / Country: 6 guests from Germany, Italy and Australia.
- Weather Tromsø: Clear.
- Destination / weather: Takvatnet / Balsfjord / clear / part clear / fog / clear.
- Aurora activity: 6/10.
- Aurora show: Several ribbons across, curtains, spikes and curls. Little dancing.
- Tour km: 215.
- Tour hrs: 7.
- Wildlife: One moose.
October 30th

- Guests / Country: 8 guests from Italy, France, Belgium and Australia.
- Weather Tromsø: Cloudy.
- Destination / weather: Storfjord / Skibotndalen valley / part clear / clear.
- Aurora activity: 6/10.
- Aurora show: Several ribbons across, curtains, spikes and curls. A moment of intense two colors (pink and green) dancing. A small corona.
- Tour km: 355.
- Tour hrs: 8.
- Wildlife: Holy Mooses x5.
Tonight you could experience many confused and frustrated Aurora Guides in Tromsø ... and the reason was the totally wrong and very strange weather forecast ... again ... so, now I have decided to just quit to check the weather forecast, and just drive out and hope for the best ...
We had two choices tonight; far inside Finland or far south towards Narvik ... later we also heard that it was cleared up on the coast too after some heavy snowing ...
I was on my way south, when I called a colleague who run a guesthouse 200 km south of the city; Yes, it has been a lovely sunny day in the south, but now the clouds came in from north ..
So, I returned and headed towards Finland instead which was an two hours drive away, but ... it was no needed to drive so far, since when we came east of the Lyngen Alps it was already cleared up ...
We stayed in one hour and got little of Aurora in a huge cloud hole which was changing all the time, so I decided to continue the drive towards Finland, but when we was 20 km from the border I checked with a colleague who was already there ... and when she said it was not perfect, but similar conditions like we had in the valley I choosed to stop and save 100 km.
It was partly clear with haze and some faint activity ... but, then it got better ... just before we got a great Aurora show ;)
October 31st - GG Partners` Aurora Chase
- Guests / Country: 7 guests from Singapore, Germany and UK.
- Weather Tromsø: Cloudy.
- Destination / weather: Signaldalen valley / clear.
- Aurora activity: 8/10.
- Aurora show: All over the sky, curtains, curls and spikes. Intense dancing in two colors.
- Tour km: 220.
- Tour hrs: 6.
Tonight I planned to drive with the other guides to Skibotn, 120 km SE from Tromsø. When we got to Storfjord I saw it was too much clouds towards Skibotn so I decided to drive to Signaldalen valley instead, since it was clear there.
Immediately when we got there we saw some week stripes of the Northern lights, but then it`s suddenly created some really good aurora stripes.
After the first show was over I made a campfire and served some delightful Norwegain lefse and hot juice.
The guests barely had time to finish their juice before the lights came back, and with full power!
Around 22:00 we jumped in the bus, and I asked if they was happy and wanted to go home … everybody said yes … but, when I sat down and was ready to start the bus, we got even a bigger and brighter show, and this time The lady gave us what she’s good for; A really good and intensive dancing all over the sky.
Everybody run out one last time to catch the amazing Aurora show who said goodbye for us …